Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our Wedding Invitation

Here is our wedding invitation, sent out via email yesterday evening.  Please note, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent (ie. me).  After all, I am a teacher, and no doubt I will say something on this blog that will get me fired if my true identity is revealed.  Oh... I feel like batman. 

Hi All,

In order to be eco-friendly (and cheap... postage is very expensive now!) I am emailing all of you to let you know that we have set a date for our highly extravagent nuptuals. We will be entering into wedded bliss on Friday, September 3rd at 2:00 pm in the highly acclaimed County Clerks Office.

We tried to schedule it for a convenient time, but ran into a few problems.

1. They are only open Monday-Friday from 8-4

2. We are trying to save sick/vacation time for Carlos (our fetus), so we will be honeymooning at home, and will be taking advantage of the 3 day weekend that follows.

3. There were only 3 remaining slots available on that day. The others were in the morning, and DF has informed me that if he is taking a day off at work, he'd like to work in a round of golf in the morning.

The woman who works in the clerks office has informed us that there is room for 20ish people (to be exact) in the room where the ceremony will be taking place, but if it's a nice day we can go outside so I can go ahead and invite as many people as I want.

I'm hoping you guys will be able to make it, but know that you have jobs and other things going on. We understand if you can't make it, but we are hoping that if you aren't able to join us that you will be able to come to the party we will be having the following day (Saturday the 4th) at my, i mean, our house.

We don't really have any other details worked out for the wedding/party so comments and suggestions are welcome. We were thinking we might be able to find a place big enough for those who are able to come to go out to dinner on Friday night and I'm thinking DF and I may stay at a hotel that night and leave the house for anyone who might like a place to stay and likes sharing their sleeping space with animals.

Peace out,

Chubby Teacher... oh, and DF

PS. Grandpa Trini can come as well, but I know he's struggling with the email. Did I forget anyone else?

For some reason, I haven't gotten any response yet, aside from my sister who said she thought it was "The best wedding invitation ever!".  Still, maybe I should be a little more serious about things.  Nah!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! What a great way to invite people...can't wait to see how the wedding preparation plays out!
